Care Home Supplier Testimonials

How do you identify an outstanding supplier?

Listen to the stories of some of our clients and find out why they continue to work with us and what makes us a valuable supplier to them.

We might get something slightly cheaper but it wouldn’t be the quality, it wouldn’t be the service and you wouldn’t get supplies when you need them.

Dr Allen

Owner, Brockhampton Court

Very efficient and very forward thinking.              They're always going out of their way to please their customers, they're always bringing in new ideas.

Ravi Kang

Business Manager, Havencroft Nursing Home

Everybody that works for Acticare, they’re genuine, you know it comes from the heart. The people, the way they talk to you it's just very welcoming.      

Alarico Bustamante

Registered Manager, Holly Lodge, Forest Care Group

They’re very professional, and they are very good with their ordering, very organised and nothing is too much hassle, and they get back to me very quickly.

Hannah Henderson

Operations Director, Blackadder Corporation